In 1965, Manfred Schwartz created Oriental Kites, a limited edition series of hand-pulled stone lithographs at the famed Mourlot Studios in Paris, France.
He was a man who appreciated life. He sought and often found the beauty in things perhaps others would overlook. A kite can be a toy for a young child; it can also be a work of art. Manfred’s Oriental Kites were inspired by watching unique handcrafted kites as they floated above Central Park in New York City.
Manfred Schwartz created two versions of Oriental Kites. The larger of the two presents a vibrant cobalt blue sky with abstract shaped kites attached to long ribbons and strings. The smaller piece presents black, peach and green kites and tails against a soft nutmeg brown sky.
About Hand-Pulled Stone Lithographs
A hand-pulled lithograph is made by drawing on a flat surface with wax-based crayons or greasy ink. The design is set with a solution of acid and gum arabic. The flat surface is then wetted with water and rolled with ink, which adheres only to the drawing. A paper is then pressed to the flat surface and carefully removed by hand. A separate drawing, wetting, inking and pressing is necessary for each color.